
Strategic planning – it’s the compass that guides us through the ever-changing landscape of our professional journeys. As a digital nomad, navigating life in an RV requires planning a course to our next destination. Strategic planning is the roadmap to long-term success in business. In this blog, we’ll dive into the heart of this indispensable process, defining strategic planning as a systematic approach to setting goals, making critical decisions, and allocating resources. But it’s not merely a plan; it’s a purpose, a mission, and a commitment. As independent patient advocates, the importance of strategic planning in our solopreneurial pursuits can’t be overstated. In a world where “If we fail to plan, we plan to fail ” resonates deeply, we’ll explore why this concept is especially vital for us. We’ll navigate through the challenges of limited resources, the competitive healthcare landscape, and the ever-evolving industry. But fear not, for we’ll not only unveil the four major phases of successful strategic planning but also offer practical strategies to overcome these hurdles. So, let’s jump in!

What is Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is the foundation upon which the entire structure of your business rests. It is a systematic process of goal setting, decision making, and resource allocation. To understand its essence, let’s break it down:

Setting Goals: 

Every journey begins with a destination in mind. Strategic planning is about defining what you want to achieve, both in the short and long term. For independent patient advocates, these goals might range from expanding your client base to enhancing your expertise in patient advocacy.

Making Decisions: 

Once the destination is clear, the path must be chosen. Strategic planning involves making decisions, often tough ones, that shape your course. This could involve choices like investing in additional training, expanding services, or optimizing your business processes.

Allocating Resources: 

Resources, both tangible and intangible, are the lifeblood of your advocacy venture. Strategic planning involves allocating these resources efficiently, making sure they are directed towards the goals you’ve set. These resources could include time, money, and, most importantly, your expertise as an independent patient advocate.

Now, the real magic of strategic planning lies in understanding that it’s not merely about creating a plan. It’s about every action you take being guided by this plan. It’s the synergy of purpose and action, the alignment of your everyday efforts with your long-term vision.

Why is Strategic Planning Important to Independent Patient Advocates?

As an independent patient advocate, you’re no stranger to the unique challenges of being a solopreneur. In this dynamic world, where “If we fail to plan, we plan to fail” resonates deeply, strategic planning becomes your North Star. Let’s explore why this concept is especially vital for independent patient advocates.

Limited Resources: 

Solopreneurs often operate on tight budgets and with limited manpower. Strategic planning becomes your ally, allowing you to make the most of what you have. It helps you prioritize your resources efficiently, ensuring that every dollar and hour spent contributes to your success. Consider it the map to your treasure chest, guiding you to the most valuable opportunities.

Competitive Landscape: 

To stand out in a world filled with voices, you need a strategic edge. Your strategic plan can help you identify what makes you unique and, more importantly, how to leverage that uniqueness effectively. It’s like your secret weapon in the quest to be the best in your niche. And remember, When you show up authentically you, you are presenting your first strategic edge.

Changing Healthcare Environment: 

Healthcare is not static; it’s a dynamic field. Regulations change, technologies evolve, and client needs shift. Here, strategic planning equips you to adapt and thrive in this ever-changing landscape. It’s like the wind in your sails, propelling you forward even when the tides change.

Now, let’s talk about solutions. How can you overcome these unique challenges as a solopreneur in healthcare advocacy?

Cost-Efficiency Strategies: 

One way is by identifying cost-efficient tools, technologies, and resources for your practice. It’s about making every dollar count. You can find more articles about operational excellence on my website.  Using advocacy best practices can help you streamline your operations and create more cost efficiency in your practice.

Niche Specialization: 

Another approach is to identify a niche within healthcare advocacy where you can excel and establish your expertise. This will allow you to speak directly to your ideal clients and assure them you are the right advocate for them and their situation.

Continuous Learning: 

Finally, emphasize the importance of staying updated with healthcare industry trends and regulations. Staying updated on the latest trends in the industry will allow you to shift and modify your strategic plan as the industry evolves.

The 4 Major Phases of Successful Strategic Planning

Now that we’ve grasped the essence of strategic planning, let’s break it down into actionable steps. There are four major phases that lead to successful strategic planning:

Phase 1: Assess & Review

Before charting a new course, it’s crucial to understand your current position. Just as you’d check your car’s condition before a long trip, you need to assess and review your practice. This phase involves a thorough examination of where you stand.

This assessment should involve tools and methods that give you a clear picture of your current situation. For instance, financial analysis, client feedback, and an evaluation of your skillset. This is also where you determine what is working and what is not working in your practice.  Keep the things that are working and identify areas where you want to make improvements.

Phase 2: Create a Vision and Set Goals

Once you understand your current position, it’s time to set your destination. In this phase, you define your vision and set clear, achievable goals. It’s not just about getting from point A to B; it’s about having a vision of what point B should look like when you get there.

To ensure success, your goals should be aligned with your mission and vision. It’s like planning your route according to the sights you want to see along the way.  Get as specific as you would when planning a road trip.  Exactly what things do you want to see/achieve? What does it look and feel like when you reach your destination?  Be as descriptive as possible when creating your vision and setting your goals.

Phase 3: Strategy Development

With goals in place, you need a roadmap to reach them. This is where strategy development comes into play. It’s about creating actionable plans to achieve your goals. But remember, flexibility is key. Just as you might adapt your travel plans if you encounter unexpected beauty on your journey, your strategic plan should be flexible enough to adapt to changes.

This is why we create our CEO Calendar. It contains all of the important tasks we need to complete to achieve our goals while also allowing us the flexibility to move things around as our days ebb and flow with sometimes unexpected interruptions.

Phase 4: Implementation and Monitoring

The final phase is all about execution. You have your roadmap; now it’s time to follow it. This phase involves effectively implementing your strategic plan. However, the journey doesn’t end here. This is the phase where accountability can be so incredibly helpful.  It is also why I created The Inner Circle.  I simply can not emphasize enough the importance of ongoing monitoring and adjustment of our strategic plans.  Life is a roller coaster and plans must adapt to the happenings of things beyond our control.


In conclusion, strategic planning is your trusted companion on your advocacy journey. It’s not just about planning; it’s about purposeful action. With limited resources, a competitive landscape, and a changing healthcare environment, strategic planning equips you to thrive in the unique world of independent patient advocacy. Embrace the four phases of assessment, goal setting, strategy development, and implementation to ensure your success as an independent patient advocate. To get more information like this in real time with a community of advocates who are ready to support you and your growing practice, join us in my FREE community, The Circle.  We meet LIVE every Wednesday to share tips and tricks just like this!

About the author

Nicole Broadhurst

 I spent 27 years working inside the healthcare system watching patients just like you struggle to understand and manage their medical bills.  I got tired of being part of the problem and decided to be part of the solution, thus creating Tennessee Health Advocates LLC.

As a Board Certified Patient Advocate and founder of Tennessee Health Advocates, It is my personal mission to eliminate the confusion and minimize the stress so you can be confident in your financial status during your medical journey.

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