pastel picket fence - illustrating happy boundaries


If you’re an independent patient advocate seeking to pave your way to success while maintaining a balanced and fulfilling journey, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’re diving deep into the world of healthy boundaries – an indispensable asset for your thriving practice. As the founder of a successful advocacy practice, I understand the importance of flexible yet strong boundaries, especially when navigating the sensitive landscape of patient advocacy. Let’s explore why setting and upholding healthy boundaries is an absolute game-changer for independent patient advocates like us. Plus, we’ll unravel those tricky boundary challenges that often crop up along the way, helping you navigate them with finesse and confidence. So, grab your favorite beverage and let’s jump in!

What are healthy boundaries for independent patient advocates?

Let’s talk about healthy boundaries for independent patient advocates like us. It’s crucial to establish and maintain three key types of boundaries: physical, emotional, and professional. These boundaries act as our compass, ensuring that we not only excel in our patient advocacy endeavors but also nurture our own well-being. Let’s explore each of these facets in detail:

Physical Boundaries: 

Balancing Care and Self-Care as a patient advocate can be hard. It’s easy to get immersed in the needs of our clients. While dedication is commendable, it’s essential to establish physical boundaries that protect your personal space and well-being. Consider designating specific areas within your workspace for focused client interactions, and separate spaces for relaxation and unwinding. This separation can help you recharge and prevent burnout. Moreover, when meeting clients in person or virtually, ensure you’re in a quiet, professional environment that fosters a sense of respect and credibility.  In small spaces, this can be challenging.  I have found that creating a partition between the desk and the sofa provides a clear delineation of where I work vs where I relax.  If I can do it in 230 square feet, I’m confident you can create the necessary boundary for you to have this clarity too!

Emotional Boundaries: 

Empathy in patient advocacy often requires a deep connection with clients, as you guide them through challenging healthcare decisions. However, maintaining emotional boundaries is paramount. It’s natural to empathize with your clients, but remember that your role is to empower them to make informed choices, not to take on their emotional burdens. Strive to find a balance where you offer genuine support while preserving your emotional well-being. Regularly check in with yourself and recognize when you need to step back and recharge. Establishing emotional boundaries allows you to provide effective support without becoming emotionally overwhelmed.

Professional Boundaries: 

Expertise and ethics as a successful advocate, your professionalism sets the tone for your practice’s reputation and success. Clearly define the scope of your services and expertise to avoid taking on tasks outside your specialty. This not only ensures quality service but also safeguards you from potential burnout. Ethical considerations also play a pivotal role in setting professional boundaries. Uphold the highest standards of confidentiality, integrity, and transparency in your interactions with clients and colleagues. Additionally, ensure you’re readily available during established working hours to maintain professionalism and client trust.

In summary, healthy boundaries for independent patient advocates encompass physical, emotional, and professional dimensions. By creating a harmonious blend of these boundaries, you’ll enhance your effectiveness as an advocate, fortify your personal well-being, and continue thriving as a driving force in the world of patient advocacy. Keep in mind that these boundaries are not static – they evolve with your practice and personal growth. As you continue to grow your practice, remember that cultivating healthy boundaries is an ongoing journey that contributes to your lasting success and fulfillment.

How to set boundaries with clients

Let’s talk about setting boundaries with your clients, a crucial skill for new and seasoned independent patient advocates alike. Establishing clear boundaries not only fosters a productive and professional working relationship but also contributes to your own well-being. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to set effective boundaries with your clients, along with some simple yet impactful actions that you can take:

Prioritize Communication: 

Establishing open Dialogue from the start sets a clear expectation. Clear communication is the foundation of healthy boundaries. From the initial client meeting, openly discuss your working hours, availability, and preferred modes of communication. This sets expectations right from the beginning, ensuring that both parties are aligned. Encourage clients to reach out during specified hours and assure them that their concerns will be addressed promptly within those times.

Define Scope of Work: 

Set Clear Expectations: Clearly outline the scope of your services and what clients can expect from you. This prevents misunderstandings and prevents the scope from expanding beyond what you’re comfortable with. Create a detailed agreement that outlines the services you will provide, the frequency of interactions, and any limitations. This helps manage client expectations and avoids potential scope creep.

Set Response Times: 

Balance availability and boundaries: Determine reasonable response times for emails, calls, and messages. While timely responses are important, it’s equally vital to set boundaries that prevent you from being constantly on-call. For instance, you could commit to responding to non-urgent messages within 24 hours during weekdays. This ensures that clients feel heard while allowing you dedicated time for focused work and self-care.

Limit Accessibility: 

Utilize Appointment Scheduling: Empower your clients to schedule appointments through a dedicated platform. This not only streamlines your scheduling process but also prevents clients from contacting you at odd hours. Platforms like Calendly or scheduling plugins for your website can help clients book consultations within your specified availability.

Educate Clients: 

Share Your Boundary Practices:  Take the opportunity to educate your clients about the importance of healthy boundaries. During your initial consultations, briefly discuss your approach to boundaries and how it benefits both parties. This not only reinforces your professionalism but also encourages clients to respect your established limits as well as set some of their own.

Delegate and Refer: 

Recognize When to Redirect: As a successful advocate, you’ve likely developed a network of resources and colleagues. When a client’s needs fall outside your expertise or availability, don’t hesitate to refer them to appropriate specialists or colleagues. This demonstrates your commitment to their best interests and prevents you from overextending yourself.

Regular Check-ins: 

Evaluate and Adjust as Needed: Periodically assess your boundary practices to ensure they remain effective and aligned with your evolving needs. Use this as an opportunity to communicate with clients and gather feedback on their experience. Adjust your boundaries if necessary, ensuring a continuous balance between client satisfaction and your own well-being.

Setting boundaries with clients is an art that requires clarity, consistency, and effective communication. As an independent patient advocate, adopting these simple actions will empower you to build lasting, respectful relationships with your clients while preserving your own work-life harmony. Remember, boundaries aren’t barriers – they’re tools that enable you to provide exceptional service, thrive in your role, and create a positive impact on the lives of those you serve.

How to set boundaries with colleagues

Let’s explore the art of setting boundaries with colleagues as an independent patient advocate. Collaborating effectively with fellow advocates, healthcare professionals, and stakeholders is vital for the success of your practice. Here are some actionable steps tailored for advocates to establish and maintain healthy boundaries with colleagues:

1. Clearly Define Roles and Expectations:

When collaborating with colleagues, whether within your circle of patient advocates or in the broader healthcare community, define clear roles and expectations from the outset. Clearly communicate your strengths, areas of expertise, and the specific ways you can contribute. This clarity prevents misunderstandings and ensures everyone is on the same page.

2. Establish Preferred Communication Channels:

Determine the communication channels that work best for you and your colleagues. Whether it’s email, phone calls, or virtual meetings, establishing preferred modes of communication helps streamline interactions. Share your availability and response times to manage expectations and ensure that communication remains effective and respectful.

3. Set Meeting and Collaboration Boundaries: 

When participating in meetings or collaborative projects, set boundaries for the duration, frequency, and purpose. Define the objectives of the collaboration and the outcomes you aim to achieve. This prevents meetings from veering off track and ensures that your time is used efficiently.  For more information on setting boundaries around your calendar, you might want to read How to be a Calendar Ninja.

4. Prioritize Self-Care and Balance: 

As an independent patient advocate, it’s crucial to prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Be open with your colleagues about your schedule and the need for flexibility. While you’re committed to your practice, setting boundaries around your personal time and well-being is essential for long-term success.

5. Practice Assertive Communication: 

Develop assertive communication skills to express your boundaries confidently and respectfully. If a colleague’s request or suggestion goes beyond your scope or availability, communicate your limitations while offering alternatives or suggesting a compromise. Being assertive ensures that your boundaries are upheld without straining professional relationships.

6. Leverage Technology for Boundaries: 

Utilize tools and technology to reinforce boundaries. Set up autoresponders for emails during non-working hours, indicating when you’ll be available to respond. Use scheduling tools to allow colleagues to book meetings during designated times, avoiding conflicts and unexpected interruptions.

7. Learn to Say No Gracefully: 

Saying “no” when necessary is a crucial skill. Politely decline requests that conflict with your boundaries, providing a brief explanation if needed. Emphasize your commitment to delivering quality work within your established parameters. Learning to say no allows you to focus on your priorities and prevents overcommitment.

8. Seek Support and Mentorship: 

Connect with experienced colleagues who can offer guidance on setting and maintaining boundaries. Seek mentorship from those who have successfully navigated similar challenges. Their insights can provide valuable guidance as you establish your own boundaries.

Setting boundaries with colleagues is essential for maintaining a productive and harmonious professional network. By implementing these actionable steps, you can confidently navigate collaborations, foster positive relationships, and ensure your practice thrives while preserving your own well-being. Remember, healthy boundaries not only contribute to your success but also inspire a culture of respect and professionalism within your professional circle.

How to deal with people who try to cross your boundaries

We’ve all been there – juggling work, life, and those pesky boundary-pushers who seem to pop up at the most inconvenient times. But fear not, because in this section, we’re diving into the art of dealing with folks who just can’t resist testing the waters of your well-established boundaries. So, let’s unravel some friendly and effective ways to handle those boundary crossers:

1. Stay Calm and Confident: 

When someone attempts to encroach on your boundaries, take a deep breath and maintain your composure. Confidence is key! Politely but firmly remind them of your established boundaries and the reasons behind them. Whether it’s a colleague requesting a last-minute meeting or a client seeking immediate assistance outside working hours, express your limitations with grace and conviction.

2. Communicate Clearly: 

Friendly and direct communication is your best ally. Clearly express your boundaries and expectations, and let them know how crossing those boundaries affects your work and well-being. Use “I” statements to emphasize your perspective and needs. For example, “I’m committed to providing the best service during my working hours, which are from X to Y.”

3. Offer Alternatives: 

Sometimes, people cross boundaries inadvertently or out of genuine need. Instead of outright refusal, offer alternatives that align with your boundaries. If a colleague proposes a meeting at an inconvenient time, suggest other available slots that work better for you. This approach maintains a cooperative spirit while ensuring your boundaries remain intact.

4. Set Consequences: 

While it may sound a bit formal, setting consequences can be effective. Let people know the impact of consistently crossing your boundaries. For instance, if clients frequently contact you outside working hours, explain that it may result in delayed responses during your official hours. Consequences serve as gentle reminders to respect your boundaries.

5. Practice the Broken Record Technique: 

Sometimes, persistent boundary crossers need a little repetition. Politely reiterate your boundary every time it’s challenged, using the same language. This technique helps emphasize your stance without getting confrontational. Think of it as your “go-to” response that remains consistent.

6. Enlist Support: 

If you’re dealing with recurring boundary issues, don’t hesitate to seek support from colleagues, mentors, or even friends. Sharing your experiences and seeking advice can offer fresh perspectives and strategies for handling these situations.

7. Learn to Say No (Politely): 

Saying no can be a challenge, but it’s a crucial skill. Politely decline requests that go beyond your boundaries, and offer a brief explanation if necessary. Remember, you’re not being rude – you’re prioritizing your commitments and well-being.  Perhaps a simple, “I’m sorry, that doesn’t work for me.  What about ___________?”

8. Reflect and Adjust: 

Periodically reflect on how well your boundaries are holding up. Are there patterns of boundary challenges with certain individuals? Are there areas where you need to reinforce your communication? Adjust your approach based on your experiences to strengthen your boundary-setting prowess.

In a nutshell, dealing with boundary-crossers requires a mix of confidence, clarity, and assertiveness. As an experienced independent patient advocate, you’ve got the tools to navigate these situations while maintaining your friendly and professional demeanor. Remember, setting and holding your boundaries isn’t just about protecting your time – it’s about ensuring your continued success and well-being. Stay strong, advocate for yourself, and keep those boundaries intact!

How to maintain your boundaries when you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed

We all know that maintaining boundaries is essential for a successful and fulfilling practice, but what about those moments when stress and overwhelm threaten to throw our carefully established boundaries out the window? As someone who’s been in the trenches, I’ve certainly had my fair share of these moments. So, let’s explore some strategies for keeping those boundaries intact even when the going gets tough:

1. Pause and Breathe: 

When stress creeps in and threatens to blur the lines, take a moment to pause and take a deep breath. Acknowledge your feelings without judgment. This simple act of mindfulness can provide the mental clarity you need to reaffirm your boundaries.

2. Revisit Your “Why”: 

Remind yourself of why you established these boundaries in the first place. Whether it’s to maintain a healthy work-life balance, prioritize self-care, or ensure quality service to your clients, reconnecting with your motivations can reignite your commitment to those boundaries.

3. Prioritize and Delegate: 

Feeling overwhelmed often stems from trying to tackle too much on your own. Identify tasks that can be delegated or postponed without compromising your boundaries. Consider reaching out to your support network, including fellow advocates in The Circle, for assistance and collaboration.

4. Communicate Transparently: 

Don’t be afraid to communicate your stress and overwhelm to clients, colleagues, or collaborators. Transparently sharing your current state allows others to empathize and understand why you may need to temporarily adjust your availability or response times.

5. Set Temporary Adjustments: 

In times of heightened stress, it’s okay to temporarily adjust your boundaries to accommodate your well-being. Let clients know that you’re making a temporary adjustment due to current circumstances. For example, you could extend your response time by a few hours while you focus on managing your stress.

6. Embrace Self-Care: 

Remember, your well-being is the foundation of your success. Prioritize self-care activities that rejuvenate your mind and body. Whether it’s a short meditation session, a walk with your furry companions, or a few minutes of deep breathing exercises, self-care can help you regain balance and perspective.

7. Schedule Breaks: 

Incorporate regular breaks into your work routine, especially during busy or overwhelming periods. Set alarms or reminders to step away from your tasks, stretch, and refocus. This practice prevents burnout and allows you to maintain a clear mindset when upholding your boundaries.

8. Seek Support and Connection: 

Reach out to your fellow independent patient advocates within The Circle or your broader network. Sharing your challenges and seeking advice can offer fresh insights and strategies for managing stress while preserving your boundaries.

9. Reflect and Learn: 

After navigating a period of stress or overwhelm, take time to reflect on how you managed to maintain your boundaries. What worked well? What could be improved? Use these insights to refine your approach for future challenges.

In the whirlwind of independent patient advocacy stress and overwhelm are bound to make appearances from time to time. However, armed with these strategies, you have the resources to navigate these moments while safeguarding the boundaries that contribute to your success and well-being. Remember, it’s not about being perfect – it’s about finding the balance that allows you to thrive, even in the face of challenges. So, embrace your inner boundary champion and keep paving the way for a successful, and fulfilling advocacy journey!

How to make sure you’re not sacrificing your own well-being for your business

As we navigate the world of patient advocacy and entrepreneurship, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of growing our businesses. But let’s take a step back and have an honest conversation about something crucial – ensuring that we’re not sacrificing our own well-being on the altar of success. After all, a thriving business is built upon a foundation of a thriving YOU. So, let’s review some practical strategies to ensure you’re prioritizing yourself while steering your business toward greatness:

Embrace the “Self-Care is Non-Negotiable” Mindset: 

Repeat after me: self-care is non-negotiable. As driven and dedicated as we are to our patient advocacy ventures, remember that your well-being is the heartbeat of your business. Prioritize self-care activities that fuel your energy and nurture your spirit. Whether it’s a morning meditation routine, regular exercise, or quality time with your Shih Tzu puppies, treat self-care as an essential part of your daily agenda.

Set Boundaries and Stick to Them: 

Boundaries are your secret weapon for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Establish clear boundaries around your working hours, response times, and availability. Communicate these boundaries to your clients, colleagues, and collaborators with confidence. Don’t let the fear of missing out or disappointing others sway you – your well-being deserves unwavering protection.

Schedule “Me Time” on Your Calendar: 

Just as you schedule client meetings and business tasks, block off time on your calendar for “me time.” Treat this time as sacred – it’s your opportunity to recharge, indulge in hobbies, or simply relax. Whether it’s a leisurely read, a scenic walk, or a creative outlet, these moments contribute to your overall well-being and enrich your business journey.

Delegate and Outsource Wisely: 

Recognize that you don’t have to do it all. Delegate tasks that fall outside your expertise or consume too much of your time. Consider outsourcing non-core activities to free up your energy for what truly matters. Remember, outsourcing is an investment in your business’s growth and your personal well-being.  You can grab my FREE Cheatsheet on the top 35 things to delegate, automate, or eliminate.

Cultivate a Supportive Network: 

Surround yourself with a network of like-minded individuals who understand the importance of balancing business and well-being. Engage with fellow advocates in online communities, forums, or networking events. Sharing experiences, insights, and challenges with your peers can offer valuable perspectives and remind you that you’re not alone on this journey.  You can find all of this and MORE inside The Circle!

Practice the Art of Saying No: 

Saying no doesn’t equate to failure; it signifies your commitment to your well-being and priorities. Politely decline opportunities or commitments that don’t align with your values or stretch you too thin. Remember, every no is a yes to your own well-being and the growth of your business on your own terms.

Regularly Assess and Adjust: 

Periodically assess your well-being alongside your business goals. Are you feeling drained or energized? Are your boundaries holding strong, or are they becoming blurry? Adjust your strategies based on these assessments. Flexibility allows you to adapt and refine your approach for a harmonious blend of personal and professional success.

Celebrate Small Wins: 

Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. These wins remind you of the progress you’re making and provide moments of joy and fulfillment. Celebrating yourself is a powerful way to fuel your motivation and maintain a positive mindset.  

In the whirlwind of building a business, it’s easy to lose sight of our own well-being. However, armed with these strategies, you have the tools to navigate the path to success while ensuring you remain at the center of it all. Remember, your well-being isn’t a luxury – it’s a necessity that propels your business forward and enriches your life. So, continue advocating for others, and don’t forget to advocate for yourself along the way. You’ve got this!


As we wrap up this discussion of maintaining your well-being while nurturing a thriving patient advocacy practice, I hope you’re feeling inspired and empowered to make your own well-being a top priority. Remember, your journey as an independent patient advocate is a marathon, not a sprint – and a marathon requires stamina, resilience, and a balanced approach.

Through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, never lose sight of the fact that your well-being is the cornerstone of your success. By setting and upholding healthy boundaries, you’re not only safeguarding your own mental, emotional, and physical health, but you’re also fostering a business that’s built to last.

If you’re eager to continue learning, growing, and connecting with a community that shares your passion for patient advocacy and well-being, I invite you to join us at The Circle. As the ONLY FREE online community designed exclusively for independent patient advocates, The Circle offers a wealth of tools, resources, and support to help you launch and sustain your private practice. By becoming a part of The Circle, you’ll gain access to exclusive content, engage in live discussions, and connect with like-minded individuals who are on a similar journey. Together, we can navigate the intricacies of patient advocacy, celebrate wins, and overcome challenges – all while prioritizing our own well-being.

Join The Circle today to access this content first and engage in live discussions where we dive deeper into the art of maintaining well-being while thriving as independent patient advocates. Let’s make our mark in the world of patient advocacy!

About the author

Nicole Broadhurst

 I spent 27 years working inside the healthcare system watching patients just like you struggle to understand and manage their medical bills.  I got tired of being part of the problem and decided to be part of the solution, thus creating Tennessee Health Advocates LLC.

As a Board Certified Patient Advocate and founder of Tennessee Health Advocates, It is my personal mission to eliminate the confusion and minimize the stress so you can be confident in your financial status during your medical journey.

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