Finding Clarity and Building Connection

Marketing independent patient advocacy services requires more than passion and a noble cause. It takes a well-defined message, consistent efforts, and genuine connections. These three pillars—clarity, consistency, and connection— form the cornerstone of effective advocacy marketing. In this post I am sharing these critical components, along with valuable insights and practical strategies I’ve learned as I continue to grow my practice.

The First Pillar: Clarity in Your Message

The foundation of any successful marketing strategy is clarity. Without a clear and concise message, even the most passionate advocacy work can get lost in the noise. It is especially important to define a value proposition that resonates with your target audience.

Clarity means simplifying your language and ensuring your message aligns with what your audience needs and values. I encourage all of us as advocacy professionals to spend time crafting our message, honing it until it is straightforward and impactful. One key tip is to create a one line statement that can be easily understood by anyone.

Understanding your audience is another vital component of clarity. By knowing who you are trying to reach, you can tailor your message to address their specific needs, challenges, and aspirations. Creating detailed audience personas to help visualize and better understand your clients can help with this step. Clarity in messaging not only attracts the right audience but also builds trust and credibility, which are critical for advocacy work.

The Second Pillar: Consistency in Actions

Consistency is the bedrock of any thriving marketing strategy, but it is often the most challenging to maintain. I admit that I struggle with consistency. However, through hard work and determination, I have learned to show up consistently and achieve my objectives.

I suggest starting small when it comes to consistency. Gradually build your routine and add more tasks as you become comfortable. Whether it's posting regularly on social media, sending out newsletters, or scheduling connection calls, every small, consistent effort contributes to building momentum.

Creating a content calendar is another strategy I recommend to help maintain consistency. A content calendar allows you to plan and organize your marketing efforts strategically. By mapping out content ideas, scheduling posts, and setting deadlines, you ensure that your marketing activities are intentional and aligned with your objectives.

The Third Pillar: Connection with Your Audience

Building strong connections with your audience is more than just a marketing tactic; it's about fostering trust, authenticity, and loyalty. I can not stress enough the importance of creating a good human experience through storytelling.

Stories are a powerful tool for human connection. By sharing personal experiences and the impact of your advocacy work, you create emotional connections that resonate deeply with your audience.

Engagement is another critical aspect of fostering connection. As advocacy professionals it is important to be active on various platforms, whether through social media, podcasts, or community events. By consistently engaging with your audience, you create opportunities for meaningful interactions and build a loyal community of supporters.

Embracing the Three C's: 

In conclusion, the three C's—clarity, consistency, and connection—are essential for creating marketing momentum in independent advocacy practices. These insights highlight the importance of having a clear message, showing up consistently, and fostering strong connections through storytelling and engagement. By incorporating these principles into your marketing strategy, you can build a thriving advocacy practice and make a lasting impact in your client’s lives.

If you’re ready to take your advocacy marketing to the next level, start by assessing your current efforts against the three C’s. Look for areas where you can refine your message, establish a consistent routine, and build deeper connections with your audience. The journey may require effort and intentionality, but the rewards of a well-executed advocacy marketing strategy are profound. Leave a comment below, I would love to hear your experiences and successes.

Final Thoughts:

I hope this information has provided you with a solid foundation of the three C’s to Create your own Marketing Momentum. If you’ve found these tips valuable, check out Crafting a Marketing Plan: A Strategic Guide for Patient Advocates. All of my posts are crafted to empower you on your healthcare advocacy journey. Explore and absorb the wisdom shared, and let it fuel your aspirations. In fact, if you want to be the first to get new information and support as an independent patient advocate, join me in The Circle where we meet LIVE on Zoom every week!
Stay tuned for the next blog post, where we’ll talk about “Heartfelt Pitches, Solid Closes: Advocacy Sales Excellence.” I’m going to share the three things I’ve found most helpful in turning my heart work into paying clients.  If you want to leverage the passion in your heart to build your practice, you won’t want to miss this one!  Get ready to learn more in our next post.

About the author

Nicole Broadhurst

 I spent 27 years working inside the healthcare system watching patients just like you struggle to understand and manage their medical bills.  I got tired of being part of the problem and decided to be part of the solution, thus creating Tennessee Health Advocates LLC.

As a Board Certified Patient Advocate and founder of Tennessee Health Advocates, It is my personal mission to eliminate the confusion and minimize the stress so you can be confident in your financial status during your medical journey.
